
Integrating Partner Solutions

Experience the cutting-edge AI technologies in the Lyric ecosystem


Payment integrity FAQ GPT by Autonomize AI

Support payment integrity teams with a ChatGPT like experience to search, query and summarize complex CMS billing rules, SOPs and internal policy documents, improving operational efficiencies.

Autonomize.ai's Payment Integrity GPT demo
Realtime HEDIS risk insight by Autonomize AI

Use AI to identify, group and summarize insights about HEDIS Risk Measures in real-time, accelerating the risk/quality review workflows, reducing clinical administration time and improving real-time visibility of HEDIS Risk measures and care gaps.

Autonomize.ai's HEDIS risk insight demo
AI powered chart reviews for Prior Auth by Autonomize AI

Improve utilization and Prior auth review and decision cycles with AI, by accelerating the review of clinical charts and attachments rapidly to determine medical necessity & eligibility of Prior Auth requests.

Autonomize.ai's chart reviews demo

Talk to our team for a full demo